

Wanda L. Thomas was born in New York City. Ms. Thomas holds a Bachelor of Arts in Biology and Pre-Medical Studies from the prestigious City University of New York’s Baruch College. Presently CEO of her own Medical Transcribing business, Ms. Thomas, who has always had a great love for children, founded JCW® Enterprises, Inc., a children’s book publishing company.

Recently, JCW® Enterprises and Ms. Thomas published “Beautiful Me®” and “Handsome Me®”. Both children’s books are African-American driven and invoke positive affirmations of self-esteem for African-American children.

Colorfully illustrated by London-based artist John Higgins, these fun, easy to read companion books (one dedicated to African-American girls and the other dedicated to African-American boys), are sure to be a necessity for any children’s library whether public or private. Ms. Thomas currently resides in Harlem, New York.

John Higgins, Illustrator

John Higgins is a native of Oxford, England, now living in New Jersey. A graduate of Parson’s School of Design, he began his career as a comic book illustrator.

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